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GRE —Graduate Records Examination

The GRE® General Test Keeps Your Dream on Track

The choice is yours. Test at a center or at home — wherever you will feel most comfortable, so you can do your best.

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GRE —Graduate Records Examination

The GRE® General Test Keeps Your Dream on Track

The choice is yours. Test at a center or at home — wherever you will feel most comfortable, so you can do your best.

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About GRE Test

Test Overview

GRE, or the Graduate Record Examination, is a standardized test, usually requested by universities in the U.S., that students take prior to enrolling to a Master’s degree. … by the way, GRE lets you re-answer all questions. The GRE Computer Based Test (CBT) is required by graduate and professional schools, as it is considered a crucial prerequisite/component for admission to a graduate program. Applicants for graduate school courses are usually required to submit the GRE test results together with other undergraduate records as part of the application/admission process. The test examines your skills. These are skills that have been established to contribute to successful achievement in a graduate program. The examination does not test prior knowledge of data or facts specific to any field of study.

Test Test

The computer-based GRE contains three distinct sections with various types of questions: 

GRE scores are used by admissions or fellowship panels to supplement your undergraduate records, recommendation letters and other qualifications for graduate-level study.

Here’s a look at content covered in the three test sections — Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning and Analytical Writing.

Verbal Reasoning
The Verbal Reasoning section measures your ability to:

Verbal Reasoning
The Verbal Reasoning section measures your ability to:

  • analyze and draw conclusions from discourse; reason from incomplete data; identify author’s assumptions and/or perspective; understand multiple levels of meaning, such as literal, figurative and author’s intent.
  • select important points; distinguish major from minor or relevant points; summarize text; understand the structure of a text
  • understand the meanings of words, sentences and entire texts; understand relationships among words and among concepts.

Featuring new types of questions, the Verbal Reasoning section measures your ability to understand what you read and how you apply your reasoning skills.

Quantitative Reasoning
The Quantitative Reasoning section measures your ability to:

Analytical Writing Ability: One 30-minute “Analyze an Issue” task, and one 30-minute “Analyze an Argument” task.

Quantitative Ability: 

One 30-minute question section containing arithmetic, algebra, geometry, quantitative comparisons, and data interpretation questions.

Verbal Ability: 

One 30-minute question section containing antonyms, sentence completions, and comprehension reading questions.

Prospective graduate and business school applicants from all around the world take the GRE revised General Test. Applicants come from varying educational and cultural backgrounds and the GRE revised General Test provides a common measure for comparing candidates’ qualifications.

Quantitative Reasoning
The Quantitative Reasoning section measures your ability to:

  • understand quantitative information.
  • interpret and analyze quantitative information.
  • solve problems using mathematical models.
  • apply basic mathematical skills and elementary mathematical concepts of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, probability and statistics

With increased emphasis on data interpretation and real-life scenarios, this section has new types of questions that require you to show your quantitative reasoning ability. To reduce the emphasis on computation, the computer-based test includes an on-screen calculator. And, if you are taking the paper-based test, a calculator will be provided at the test center.

Analytical Writing
The Analytical Writing section measures your ability to:

  • articulate complex ideas clearly and effectively.
  • support ideas with relevant reasons and examples.
  • examine claims and accompanying evidence.
  • sustain a well-focused, coherent discussion.
  • control the elements of standard written English.

The Analytical Writing section requires you to provide focused responses based on the tasks presented, so you can accurately demonstrate your skill in directly responding to a task.

You will need an international passport as a form of identifying document on the day of the exam.
At least two months of good preparation is required for the GRE examination.

What is the purpose of GRE exam?

GRE scores are used to assess the suitability of applicants for graduate-level study across many different subject areas. Some departments may ask applicants to take one of the GRE Subject Tests, while others require the General Test.

How long is GRE test?

about three hours and 45 minutes
The overall testing time for the GRE ® General Test is about three hours and 45 minutes. There are six sections with a 10-minute break following the third section. 1 An unidentified unscored section that does not count toward your score may be included and may appear in any order after the Analytical Writing section.

How many marks is GRE for?

Good news: you don’t have to spend hours memorizing flashcards. Some formulas are provided, and all vocab is tested in context. To prepare for test day, brush up your foundational skills. Make sure you are comfortable with charts and graphs, which are used throughout the test. Not sure where to start? We can provide a plan to prioritize your studying and practice efficient strategies.

How many marks is GRE for?

Both of Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning are scored the same way. Their score range is 130-170, in one-point increments.

GRE Score Ranges.
SectionMinimum ScoreMaximum Score
Analytical Writing06
Verbal Reasoning130170
Quantitative Reasoning130170
Total Score260 + 0340 + 6

Which country will accept GRE?

All the top universities around the world in US, UK, Europe, Singapore and Australia accept GRE score. More than 600 business schools accept the GRE score world-wide